A Better Way to Design your Product FASTER

Our services

Hardware & Software Design

Senior Level Management

We have the tech talent network to work on your project, so you can focus on what you do best: running your business. We will work with you and your team to define the scope of work, goals, and project tasks to fit your business needs. Zoom meetings and documents signing and secure sites for file transfer are always available, among other tools.

Engineers & Developers

We usually write enough detailed requirements from the scope of work and project goals to allow LTSPICE modeling of the required hardware and critical points to be tested, alongside a minimum physical layer test of concept firmware and support software, when applicable. Once we finalize the schematic design, we develop your product's PCB using Altium Designer.

Prototype & Fabrication

We have a list of preferred vendors we have already worked with and tested before ordering needed parts, fabricating printed circuit boards, assembling houses, and testing your product with your alpha and beta. As we advance these project phases, we will already have tested BOM, PDFs for mechanical layers assembling instructions, Gerber files, and ODB++ ready for your final production release.

PCB Design & Supply Chain

Supply chains nowadays are even critical than ever before! We can help you with these difficult times by teaming up with you to proactively identify essential electronic parts that must require immediate attention acquiring equivalent components, and re-designing PCBs to fit these parts' footprints, and the mods for firmware if any are needed.

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Very creative and developed several ideas with great commercial possibilities, technical knowledge marketing-oriented, and a great partner - Alvaro

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